Techs Repair

Computer Repair

Laptop Repair

Laptop Repair in Seattle

206-906-9695 Repair My Device

Computer Repair in Seattle

206-906-9695 Repair My Device

Data Backup &
Recovery in Seattle

206-466-9704 Repair My Device

Custom Built
Computers in Seattle

206-906-9695 Repair My Device

Networking Issues

206-466-9704 Repair My Device

Hardware Headaches

Don’t Let Hardware Failures Stop You
Cracked Screens & Display Issues
Hard Drive Troubles (Noises, Data Loss)
Battery Not Charging or Draining Quickly
Overheating & Fan Problems
Keyboard & Touchpad Malfunctions

Optimize Your System, Boost Performance

Slow Startup & Sluggish Operation
Virus & Malware Removal
Operating System Crashes & Errors
Unresponsive Programs & Freezes
Corrupted Files & Data Recovery

tay Connected, Work Seamlessly

Wi-Fi & Internet Connection Issues
Printer Setup & Troubleshooting
Bluetooth Problems
Monitor & Display Glitches
Speaker, Microphone, & Webcam Issues

Services We Offer

PC Repairs

issues people frequently search for when it comes to PC repair:

Hardware Problems:

No Power/PC won’t turn on
Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) and system crashes
Overheating and loud fan noises
Hard drive failure (clicking, slowness, data corruption)
Graphics card issues (display problems, game crashes)
Motherboard malfunctions
RAM problems (errors, system instability)

Performance Issues:

Slow boot times
Sluggish performance overall
Programs freezing or taking a long time to load

Virus and Malware:

Pop-ups, unwanted redirects
Security alerts and strange software behavior
Ransomware attacks

Network/Internet Troubles:

Unable to connect to Wi-Fi
Slow internet speeds
Dropped connections

Peripheral Problems:

Printer issues
Monitor/display problems
Keyboard or mouse malfunctions
Speaker/sound problems


RAM upgrades
SSD installation (for faster performance)
Graphics card upgrades

Happy Customers




Screen Repaired



Whether you're facing a frustrating Mac issue or a perplexing PC problem, we've got you covered. Here are the most common repairs we handle:

Mac Troubles: macOS update problems, slow performance, battery drain, startup errors, software crashes, connectivity issues (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth).
PC Problems: Windows update failures, blue screens of death, hardware failures (power, graphics card, hard drive), software errors, gaming performance issues (crashing, low FPS), network connection problems.
Hardware for Both: Display/screen issues, keyboard/trackpad malfunctions, charging problems.

Here you can find our head office

Looking for a fast and reliable repair service?

14 Years of experience in Smartphones & Tablet Repairs.